
Ice Hot Artists meets the local dance scene
Are you a professional dance artist and eager to learn from some of the Ice Hot artists?
This is the chance to get involved in the platform.
You can join four different workshops, and develop both your networking and performing skills. You need to register to be part, and three of the workshops has an entry fee.
Body mechanics in Groove & Rhythm with Theresa Gustavsson
12-13 February
PRODA – Profesjonell Dansetrening
With a strong interest in body mechanics, motor skills and rhythms I like to break down movements and challenge my body control. With the help of different styles, exercises and concepts focusing on “groove” – the relation between head, chest and hips, “rhythm” – in footwork and body poly-rhythmics, we will challenge our motor skills and body control to strive for a stronger movement freedom and understanding.
Admission fee.
Networking, internationalization – motivations, possibilities, dreams and realities
Wednesday 14th February
A workshop for anybody interested in networking and internationalization:
– motivations, possibilities, dreams and realities, how internationalization fits into the individual career path.
How to talk about yourself as an artist and your work is an art form in of itself. Contemporary dance is niche and can be difficult to describe. You need specific tools and methods to create a story and to share them with an audience.
Anikó Rácz is the artistic director of SÍN Arts Centre, a Budapest-based production house for the development of the independent performing arts scene. She also works as a career coach and group facilitator for artists and working teams in the arts for their career and strategic development. She regularly holds trainings and workshops in Hungary and internationally for organizations such Aerowaves, European Dancehouse Network, IETM and more. Her main focus is leadership and collaboration questions and internationalization of artistic work. She is also interested in the ever-shaping partnership of the artist and manager for the development of sustainable artistic projects.
Free entry
“Unearth” by Jefta van Dinther with Leah Katz and Leah Marojevic
14-15 February
PRODA – Profesjonell Dansetrening
This workshop will explore how singing in harmony with one another whilst engaging in physical practices found in ‘Unearth’ by Jefta Van Dinther, surface various emotional landscapes, and treats this affect as choreographic material. We will work in duos and as a full chorus to generate a perpetual space where performing, listening and feeling can be practiced and externalised.
Admission fee.
«Le Scenario» by Philip Berlin
16-17 February
PRODA – Profesjonell Dansetrening
«Le Scénario» revolves around jumping from the modernist tradition of the 60s and 70s. This blends with post-punk, confetti rain and male renaissance fashion. The work investigates the finale as a format, and aims to create dance of high complexity that addresses the pleasure of jumping expansively across the stage. The work explores the moment when the dancer is in the air, and is rooted in high frequency dance and interacts with abstraction, sensory overload and expansion: jumping through space with a multiple changes of direction, like deers.
Admission fee.