The Jury
Jury Statement
We, the jury, are very happy to present the artist of Ice Hot Oslo 2024. From a record-breaking number of applicants, we have chosen 39 artist which we believe is one of the strongest Ice Hot programs ever!
The selection process has been a fascinating journey, and it is a profound privilege to work on a Pan-Nordic project, including the Arctic region, and to think of the impact of dance art for the whole region. In the forefront of our selections was how to make dance sustainable both environmentally and for the work and production of dance itself.
This year the jury was expanded with selected artist members to help broaden the programming discussions, and every short list was discussed with national advisors to expand our reach, knowledge, and gaze.
Ice Hot should be an important generator for connections and actions toward a stronger ecosystem for dance in the Nordic and Arctic region. The selection process has been a fruitful challenge for all partners and colleagues, and with an ambition to create a common language and common goals, we invite you all to meet our artist, get inspired by their art, and become a part of the development of dance in the north.
The Jury
The artistic selections for Ice Hot Oslo 2024 are made by a jury consisting of ten jury members, two from each Nordic country. The jury members are responsible for the final selections in collaboration with the platform organizer.
Samme Raeymaekers
Dansens Hus Oslo
Tendai Makurumbandi
Artistic director In2It
Johannes Öhman
Dansens Hus Stockholm
Erik Linghede
Ásgerdur Gunnarsdóttir
Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir
Harri Kuorelahti
Johanna Rajamäki
Daniel Andersson
Ruth Montgomery-Andersen
Denmark | Greenland
National Advisers
Arnhild Staal Pettersen | DansiT Choreographic centre
Susanne Næss Nielsen | Davvi Centre for performing arts and Runa Norheim | RAS
Nassim Meki
Karina Sarkissova
Ninos Josef
Helena Lindqvist | Jojo – Oulu Dance Centre
Veera Lamberg | Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland (ITAK)
Sanna Meska | Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland
Tinna Grétarsdóttir | Dansverkstæðið
Nína Hjálmarsdóttir | Iceland University of the Arts
Marta Nordal | Akureyri Theater
Emma Møller | warehouse9
Cheryl Sue Geurtze | Dansekapellet
Policy for Conflict of Interest (Limiting Bias)
If a jury member has a conflict of interest with an applicant and/or application; be it a family-like relation, a co-dependency and /or a conflict, the application will be handled by another country’s selection process and the jury member will not be present in either discussion or decision of the applicant and/or application.